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18. 8. 2022 - 21. 8. 2022

18 August – 21 August 2022
International Vintage-Bicycle Convention in the area of the Chateau Kravaře, the first year of which is organised by The Elegant Society in cooperation with the Club of Czech Velocipedists Moravan. The beautiful chateau park provides us with an exquisite venue for the convention and the accompanying programme.
The participants will be provided with free camping and free entrance to: Chateau Kravaře, Chateau Bruntál (Exhibition titled The Phenomenon of Cycling), concerts, ballrooms, guided coach trip and all day programme with a collective guided ride. On Saturday, a summer party with a big dance orchestra will take place in the park together with an extensive accompanying programme and many surprises. Meals (breakfasts, dinners) can be purchased at advantageous prices as part of the registration.
Registration hereAccommodation
- free parking for caravans in the area of the chateau park, electricity, toilets, showers
- a tent town located in the immediate proximity of the area
- other accommodation options are available in the vicinity – please book in advance directly with the provider
18 august (thursday)
3 – 6p.m. Registration at the information stand of the Elegant Society, welcome drink, tour of the chateau park Kravaře
7 – 10p.m. Velocipedists‘ party, live music
19 august (friday)
9a.m. – 1p.m. Registration at the information stand of the Elegant Society, tour of the Chateau Kravaře
1p.m. – 4.30p.m. Guided coach trip (route: Kravaře – Bruntál – Kravaře). Tour of the exhibition titled The Phenomenon of Cycling, tour of the Chateau Bruntál and the chateau park. Departure from the main gate to the chateau park Kravaře.
4.30p.m. – 10p.m. Swing picnic in the chateau park, ballroom, dance workshop, cycling curiosities, meeting with the participants of the Elegant Silesia race, exhibition of vintage racing bicycles, bicycle exchange.
20 august (saturday)
11a.m. – 5p.m. To the saddles! – A guided ride of the velocipedists with a programme. Start at the information stand of the Elegant Society.
5p.m. – 7p.m. Cycling curiosities, meeting with the participants of the Elegant Silesia race, exhibition of vintage racing bicycles, bicycle exchange.
7p.m. – 12p.m. Summer dance party with the Dolbend dance orchestra.
21 august (sunday)
10a.m. – 1p.m. Bicycle exchange.
10a.m. – 12p.m. Rich programme in the area of the chateau park, bands, art zone, gastro zone, tour of “Kravařský odpust”.
Two noteworthy events will take place nearby during the time of this event: ”Kravařský odpust” – the feast of the patron saint of the local church (the greatest in the region) – (19 – 22 August) and the 3rd Czech National Vintage-Bicycle Cycling Championship ELEGANT SILESIA (20 August).
Coach trip
Coach trip from Kravaře to the Chateau Bruntál to the exhibition titled The Phenomenon of Cycling, which is organised by our society. The exposition is unique in both its content and its scale. It maps not only the beginnings of the technical development of the bicycle, but also the development of cycling in the Moravian-Silesian region.
Guided ride
The guided bicycle ride will introduce you to the historical monuments of the city and its surroundings.
Deckchairs, blankets, meeting with friends, swing music, dancing, swing dance school for beginners, swing show. Cycling curiosities, artistic cycling and other surprises available. Stylish period clothing welcome.
Music programme: Dolbend Dance Orchestra
Dance programme: Jazz Monkeys
We are looking forward to seeing you!